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Affiliate Solutions
Trend Revenue believes that successful affiliates deserve to own their customer, that rewarding affiliate networks are partnerships, not hierarchies. That’s why we our solution centers around placing control in the affiliates hands and the adherent benefits to that.

Simply More Profitable

Trend Revenue offers revolutionary enhancements to payouts: lifetime residual commissions and capabilities to set prices and margins. Easy-to-operate tools allow affiliates to decide their own price point on each and every product they choose to market as well as on shipping. Bullet


Market Intelligence

Trend Revenue uses years of affiliate marketing expertise to research and compile all the information you need to be successful on a per program basis. Bullet


Reporting That Keeps You in Charge

Trend Revenue equips affiliates with real-time tracking to support affiliate decision-making processes in all activities including marketing campaigns, conversions and ongoing consumer activity. Sales reports document up-to-the-minute clicks, sales, leads, sub sales, pending payments and pending sub-sales. Bullet


New Tools? Access Your Account Manager

If you’re ready for the Trend Revenue difference but are unsure of how to implement our extensive customization, reporting and commission-bearing upgrades, your account manager is on call. Bullet


Ultimate Customization Capabilities

Tap into Trend Revenue’s easy-to-execute design, template customization features, and individual graphics and banners which truly turn affiliates into business owners. Leverage name brands or launch your own private label. Bullet
